Sunday, February 11, 2007

Staying Home

I guess staying home isn't so bad after all. Yesterday was a bit of a challenge, because at around 3pm I had absolutely nothing to do. Well, I suppose I chose not to do anything at all. There was still tension on my lower jaw, and it became a bit of a deterrent to start any projects. I chose not to paint, and instead I just surfed the internet and read about women's depiction in fairy tales. The argument states that women as little girls are taught by fairy tales on expectations and processes of life. It also implies definitions of beauty and how beautiful people are inferior to those who are not. Those are just a few of the categories that fairy tales cover. There's also subjects such as 'silence', as in women are always portrayed as not having their unique voice and having someone else decide for them, and for the most part the consequences varies from public humiliation to physical abuse.

(book) (ignore the man at the top of the page)
Portrayals of adolescent waiting and dreaming, patterns of double enchantment, and romanticizations of marriage contribute to the potency of fairy tales.
- Karen E. Rowe

Borrowed with love from:
I spent the rest of the evening calling everyone on my phone - and to be pretty honest I did feel a tad bit lonely, and tried really hard to not feel that way, because I'm testing out 'habit #1' from Stephen Covey's book, and I'm trying to "BE" more proactive with my responses in order to get from being dependent to independent. Btw, if you have not read that book - do give it a try. I know that there's always this negative stigma attached to self-help books, but this one has a few very powerful life changing strategies. So for 30 days I have dedicated myself in trying to be more in control of my emotions, and that we are extremely powerful reactive living organisms. If we feel upset or feel that the problem is outside of our 'circle of influence' then it only means that we are choosing to let someone else's weakness shape our thoughts and beliefs of our existence. And it's not some self-fulfilling prophecy - it's rationalizing and honestly thinking before reacting - really taking the time to rationalize the situation before it escalates into something that really isn't what you believe - but what others have told you to be like. Anyway - enough of that - go out and get the book.

So back to calling everyone - so yes, I've discovered that both my girls have ankle problems, and it's a bit sad to hear about that, but I will get them fixed up so they could wear those stilettos like they mean it. Talked to Kitty, and her wedding - I'm so happy for her. Talked to Lori - and as usual we had our daily laugh-a-thon. Later on that night I started to prepare some documents that I need for the upcoming week, which reminds me I'm to keep working on that right now.


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