Happy birthday to my girlie girl Cece - one of the latest ones to turn 23.. omgoodness.. hahahahah.
I've spent a lot of my time thinking about my life... staying home does that to you. Just sitting by the window ... looking outside towards 407- Everyone seems to be rushing somewhere... Everyone's in a rush- To where I have no idea, but this constant struggle to get somewhere quicker than the next person. I'm like that too- I seem to be in a rush always tense, and always hyperventilating; worrying... about everything in all directions (did that even make any sense - who knows). Went to Yorkdale for the second week in a row, there's nothing to buy. Nothing worth buying at the moment. I'm reaching out to my friends a lot lately, and I've realized how much I missed them. My TNA jacket is probably getting to immature for me as I'm turning 24 next year. OMG......

Time does not wait for anyone... What would you do if you had a minute where time would just stop for you? What would you do, what would you change... what would you have wanted to see? I'm going through a "phase" these days... It's crazy, I know. Although I'm not really in a mood to drink tonight I must go and see my girls- I miss them so much. I don't really think that I've missed them this much in a long time.
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