Thursday, January 19, 2006


The last few minutes of the night has undoubtly arriveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can't wait until I get into a hot bubble bath when I get home... wash my hair... and unwind. I bumped into my Deviance and Normality prof today at school on my smoke break, and I can't believe that he didn't remember me!! I mean, yes there were over 200 students in that class, but I always sat in the front and I always answered his questions and laughed at his "jokes", even when they weren't all that funny sometimesssssss.. argh. Anyway, doens't matter. I like to complain.. So I'm complaining. I waited 30 minutes at school toady to get the stupid course enrolment form to registrar's; like WHY couldn't they just have a box there for people to drop it off?? Whyyyyyyy am I lining up like an idiot just to hand in that form to the ladies in the booth??? ARGH.

Good things that happened today. Kitty called today, so we're going for dinner this Friday. Most likely we'll end up at Takebashi HAHAHA. It's like as if that's the only place that existed for Kitty to eat; all the time... lol.

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