Saturday, February 04, 2006


Oh- the wonders of photoshop. Hiiiiiiiiii Amy (if you're reading this). Isn't Photoshop just our BEST FRIEND. Your stuff still freaks me out- but I guess that's a compliment since it's part of your intent for the project. Keep up the great work? AHHAHAAH- And yes, you can write. Just WRITE. I can't write either, but as long as you just WRITE- it'll come- regardless if it's good or bad- who the fuck cares.

Went out to LOT332 last night with the girls---- HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDYYYY!!!! We left a bit early, and yes I got plastered. Yacked out some turquoise crap when I got home. It was actually GLOWING turquoise.... which made me think that maybe the tequila changes color as a result of some kind of chemical reaction in my stomach. Who knows. Anyway, it was super gross, but nevertheless - GOOD TIMES (cheers girls).

Spent some time with Del today at Yorkdale. I miss Delia. It is only when I saw her today that I realized how much I miss her. Glad to see that she's doing well. We work hard.... 50 hours a week and going to school full time. We should get some award for this to commemorate our stamina and dedication to success (eventual). I'm glad that despite everything we are still close, and we've had our ups and downs in the past, but really, I'm glad that it brought us closer together. Hakuna Matata (not sure if that's the correct spelling).

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