Thursday, February 16, 2006


YAY! I'll be gone for a week- No school, no work- just play,play and play. I'm seriously excited about this. There are some things that I would like to accomplish though.

  1. Create Resume (fix)
  2. Apply for jobs
  3. Work on site-specific work for Don
  4. Work on CBC project
  5. Do readings
  6. Do nothing
  7. Fix up website
  8. Work out
  9. Go to salon
  10. Go swimming (I really want to do that)
  11. Shop.
  12. Stop eating chocolate.
  13. Clean house
  14. Spend time with friends (I miss you friends!!!) I'm starting to get all watery-eyed just thinking about it.
  15. Do nothing.

Okay, I think that it's just common courtesy to tell me if you see that I'm gaining weight. I know that I'm not fat- but just let me know since I cannot fit into my jeans today.


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