Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How to improve writing skills

Sometimes I look around people at work, and I see so much talent. I envy those who have great writing skills. One day I would like to have those skills. It wasn't long ago when I did possess those skills in University... what happened to that?!

Last night I listened to the John Tesh radio show on 97.3 - and his infamous tips :) One of them came from Stephen King, and his tips were simple - write what comes to mind immediately, don't try to dress up words, and practice writing. Stephen King writes over ten pages a day... It's funny though, because the thought in my mind was that reading more would cause an improvement in writing skills... Maybe I was wrong. So everyday whether I like it or not I will write here.. in this blog... Although I really should be updating my own website- anyway, that's a whole other can of worms.

It seemed like I didn't get enough sleep last night, or I thought I didn't get enough sleep since I woke up at 2am. I feel fine though. I don't feel tired at all at the moment. In fact, if I wasn't sniffling I would love to be doing some yoga to release some tension.

Tomorrow will be the last day at work before I finally get some time off. A well deserved and required rest is what it is. I need to overcome this stupid cold so that I could bake and cook for everyone on Saturday - lol -

1 comment:

BipedalPrimate said...

You know, I actually have Stephen King's book "On Writing" (I found it sitting in the recycling bin at an apartment building I used to live in.) It was interesting, since he writes a short story as a model with the name of a certain apartment number that's cursed. It kept nagging at me as I was reading it, until I realized... hey, waitaminnit, that's MY apartment number.

It's fun to dwell in evil. I can see the dust bunnies staring at me with their cold, dead eyes :)