Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saturday Night

Saturday was supposed to be a happy day. Started the day by going to Karen's wedding shower, which turned out to be such a surprise for myself too--- I ended up seeing Connie, Eva and some other girls from high school (a mini HS reunion). Anyway, it was great. We had lots to eat, and the girls cooked up some good food. Damn I need to learn how to cook. There was sushi, little cupcakes, small tarts, cookies, punch, champagne... Eva and I decided to hook up later that night with the boys downtown, so I brought her along with Chris, Cat, and we were supposed to meet up with Del downtown too. So the night began and despite the blizzard and traffic we drove downtown... We FINALLY get to team 13's house at 11:30- and we decide that we'll cab it to the lounge because of the cold weather. While we called the cabby Del calls to tell me that she's already there- the cab told us that it'll take them 25 mintues to arrive- so of course I started to panic. I really hate planning things- Seriously! So we waited, and Eva wasn't feeling very well either, and I felt so bad because I so wanted her to have a good time, and - argh! So the cabs finally get there, and we took two cabs downtown- out of nowhere the cab stops on the side of King Street- so we all get out- .... We are now all standing in front of "KING WEST"- everyone looked confused. We were supposed to be at the "Underground" ON KING WEST. HOOLY. So we walk three blocks in the blizzard to get to the Underground only to stand in line... After waiting for 15 minutes we decide to go into "PUR" despite the fact that we had to pay for cover --- So we're now coatchecking and in the midst of getting into a fight with the coat check woman I realize that Cathy has disappeared with Chris. OMG____ We knew that they were in that room- but we couldn't get into that room that way- we had to walk around the club, up the stairs and then back around to get in. SO WE DID THAT.... That club was just SOOOO rammed.... People were so rude and obnoxious-- argh. So we left and went to Joe Mammas--- We caught the end of a live band- which was great--- (the best part of the night)

Then we all went home.


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